The constitutional state of Indonesia certainly cannot be separated from the work of the founding fathers, who came from diverse backgrounds including law graduates, freedom fighters and wise thinkers. In the meetings to prepare independence in 1945 they agreed to a country founded under the rule of law and not...
The Ministry of Manpower has issued Circular No. M/67/HI.00.0-1/V/2020 on the Hand out of Religious Holiday Allowance (“THR”) for 2020 at Companies during the COVID-19 Pandemic. The Circular stipulates that Governors should ensure that: Ensure that companies pay religious THR to workers/laborers in accordance with laws and regulations; In case...
Peristiwa Papa Minta Saham yang terjadi beberapa waktu belakangan ini secara historis merupakan insiden yang serius atau skandal dalam kancah tata politik dan ketatanegaraan Indonesia. Dugaan pencatutan nama Presiden dan Wakil Presiden Indonesia oleh Ketua DPR RI perihal perpanjangan kontrak PT Freeport Indonesia semakin santer dibahas di media massa dan...
Gandhi is an experienced young lawyer which graduated from Atma Jaya Catholic University. Prior to joining FWP, he worked in prominent law firm and was led dispute resolution group. He has been involved in many cases both dispute and corporate matters for local, multi-national and international companies. With his experiences,...