The pandemic caused by COVID-19 or Coronavirus Disease-19 has spread massively throughout the world including Indonesia. Based on data compiled from up to April 29, 2020 the number of infections has reached 3.14 million cases. In Indonesia alone up to April 29, 2020 the number of infections has reached...
Experiences: Handling Non Litigation CasesProvided Legal Opinion to client for litigation and corporate matters; Drafting Distributor Agreement; Conducted survey and registered Trademarks and Copyrights to The Directorate General Intellectual Property Rig. Handling Litigation CasesCivil Case; Employment Dispute Bankruptcy Intellectual Property Rights Dispute Criminal Case More than 15 years...
Perkembangan teknologi saat ini sudah sangat maju sehingga informasi dalam bentuk apapun sangat mudah diterima dan diakses oleh masyarakat luas, baik melalui media cetak dan elektronik. Masyarakat aktif mengikuti perkembangan berita menarik yang disiarkan oleh pers karena kemudahan akses tersebut. Informasi berupa berita yang diberikan oleh media tersebut wajib memiliki...
“FWP was founded in 1981 and has grown to be one of a number of prominent law firms in Indonesia ever since” FWP's Corporate and Commercial Law Practice has rapidly grown and strengthened the firm's reputation. Assisting various impressive names in business, the Corporate and Commercial practice has been gaining...