

The Ease of Business Licensing for Certain Business Fields Related to the Handling of COVID-19 from BKPM.

bkpm, regulation

The Ease of Business Licensing for Certain Business Fields Related to the Handling of COVID-19 from BKPM. 

The Head of the Indonesia Investment Coordinating board (BKPM) has issued the Decree of the Head of Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) No. 86/2020 on Providing Ease of Business Licensing for Certain Business Fields Related to the Handling of COVID-19. Through this decree, certain business fields, including the medical device industry and the pharmaceutical industry, are given an ease in business licensing in the form of: 

  • reduction and/or facilitation of business licensing requirements; 
  • acceleration on the business licensing process; and 
  • special assistance services. 

The decree has come into effect since April 1, 2020, and will last until the end of the COVID-19 emergency response status as declared by the Head of National Disaster Management Agency. 

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